Big Full Blood Moon Eclipse Blessings Gorgeous Ones!


As I write this just before posting I feel I am absolutely swelling with emotions right now. There has been the usual Full Moon dramas today with me discovering my Passport was missing – but it feels the emotion that wants to come up is much deeper and older than that. And that’s ok.

Mother Moon is calling us to pause this week, put the to do list aside and just CHILL. I don’t know about you but every time time I try to sink my teeth into big planning, I seem to be brought back to the present pronto! Being ADHD and Gemini Moon is definitely not helping either during Gemini season.

Use this week to allow, lean in, purge, feel, release and journal whatever it is that needs to shed from your energetic and belief system all while coming back to a place of deep unconditional love and gratitude.

Sagittarius is all about faith, belief and hope and that absolutely aligns with my current thought patterns. How about you?

Tonight I choose to run myself a bath after putting the kids to bed and JUST BE and breathe.

Today did go a little tits up with me realising I no longer had a passport (and I fly to NZ in three weeks! Ha ha) Quick mad dash to the post office for photos and an online application later problem is solved! The only reason my missing passport was brought to my attention, as I needed it to apply for my Working with Children Check renewal. Usually a situation like this in the past would send me into a complete tailspin. I would feel triggered and not always respond calmly. Instead I responded with gratitude because it was brought to my attention with enough time to replace it without ridiculous expense. Happy days!

“We cannot choose our external circumstance, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”
How are you going to choose to SHOW UP for you this week and respond when you feel triggered? Declare it here….

I wish you a calm week my darlings!

Whatever challenge comes your way babes – you’ve totally got this
Love ‘n’ light
📷 Amy Little

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