I don’t know about you but I am feeling this Capricorn energy and resetting, realigning and renewing with huge gusto!
The energy this week is absolutely calling us to renew with awakened energy from what lessons learnt and gifts we uncovered in 2020 and integrating our heart centered values and setting intentions from a place of truth and knowing.
I am feeling we are really being asked to think about how we wish to move forward. Who do we wish to be and how do we wish to feel? How can we embody these new beliefs and actions with total awareness so that we may avoid stepping back into any old ways of being from 2020?
This is also a number 5-year in Numerology, which evokes creativity, adventure, innovation. This encourages us to find new and authentic ways of doing things. This is bang on for me as my I am literally creating and starting all the systems in my business from scratch. Usually this would absolutely send me into a tail spin and overwhelm would set in, however I am experiencing the opposite. I am feeling excitement, knowing and trusting because of all the inner work I did last year and because my business is 100% aligned to my core values I know in my heart this is the right direction for me and my beautiful soul biz. Having a regular self-care and self-love daily devotional practice is also supporting me in avoiding burnout.
My wish for you is that you land in this incredible place also in 2021!
This New Moon is also in conjunction with Pluto, which in astrology is synonymous with transformation and rebirth. Powerful energy to start the year off – though can feel intense and encourages us to sometimes push those boundaries and stretch ourselves! Rise like the Phoenix.
Much love
Amy xoxo
Rising Woman