Amy Little Self-love Coach

Shine your Light and Be Magnetic in 2022

Time to bring your radiant, magnetic and courageous self into 2022 and Shine your light. As you reflect on 2021, the epic year of growth, release and transformation that it was, don’t forget to take the ✨GIFTS✨ & ✨GOODNESS✨ that come out of it with you as you look forward into the New Year.
YES, there were challenges. YES it pushed us to our limits and YES we’ve had enough and ready to leave it behind BUT there is also SO much to celebrate 🥳 SO much to acknowledge and SO much to be grateful for 🙏🏼bring your magnetic self into 2022
Journal Prompts:
How have you grown? When you reflect are there some major events / milestones that have happened which you can see were a major turning point in your life?

What’s your theme word for 2022? Last year mine was TRUST and boy did I have to trust! Especially having to close my Absolute Heart Space face to face part of the biz for four months, home-school my two boys then experienced a major car accident with them in the car (thank goodness we were all OK) and then I got COVID! I had no choice but to surrender and trust. And most importantly accept that this all happened FOR me not TOO me. So this year I choose to Shine my light and be more magnetic, showing up with love and joy. 

How can you Shine your light be “BE magnetic”?

Happy New Year gorgeous people 🥳 I am so grateful for you all 🙏🏼
Sending you so much ✨love & light✨ wrapped in magnetic abundance. Shine your light and be you.
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